Höhepunkt der Show ist ein englisches Paar, das eine
herzerweichende "Puppennummer" vorführt. "Bambolina"
spielt mit beeindruckender Körperbeherrschung eine steife
Aufziehpuppe mit noch störrischerem Willen, die ihren Puppenspieler
"Dodo" verrückt macht. Allerdings haben die beiden neben
lustigen Momenten auch besinnliche Augenblicke und schaffen es als
einzige Artisten, alle Kinder mucksmäuschenstill zu kriegen: Des
Nachts erwacht "Bambolina" zum Leben und klettert hoch auf
eine Schaukel, um ihren schlafenden Spieler im Mondschein mit einem
glitzernden Zauberpulver zu bestäuben. In dem Moment, als das
funkelnde Pulver langsam rieselt, hätte man eine Stecknadel fallen
hören können.
highlight of the show is an English couple who presents a
heart-rending "doll number". "Bambolina"
plays with impressive body control a stiff puppet with a stubborn
determination that makes her puppeteer "Dodo"
crazy. However, besides the funny moments there are also
contemplative moments, and they are the only artists to get all
children quiet as a mouse: At night, "Bambolina" comes to
life and climbs up on a trapeze in order to sprinkle her sleeping
playmate in the moonlight with glittering magic dust. At that
moment, as the sparkling powder trickles down slowly, you could have
heard a pin drop. (Frankfurter Neue Press,
December 2012. GERMANY)
automate s'anime et prend vie sous les mains de son montreur, avec
lequel démarre un drôle de pas de deux. Les mouvements saccadés
de la jolie poupée font parfaitment illusion et transportant le
public directement au fond d'un coffre à jouets à ciel ouvert. Un
voyage dans l'univers tendre et loufoque au bon goût d'enfance du
duo anglais Circle of Two. Entre le cinéma muet et le numéro de
clown, Bambolina et Dodo offrent une parenthèse comique enchantée
sur fond d'histoire d'amour entre le “maître” et sa créature.
Le spectacle à peine achevé, on voudrait déjà donner un deuxième
tour de clé à la poupée à remonter. (Dordogne
Libre, August 2012. France)
describe Circle of Two as an acrobatic mime act would be selling
them rather short. Here we saw a set-up character arriving on stage
with a marionette style, human music box statue. The coquettish
persona comes across, as she searches for love among members of the
audience. This was classic imaginative mime, married with old revue
style sophisticated cabaret. (The
Stage, June 2011. UK)
words 'charming' and 'poetic' best describe this highly original
number which owes much to the ability of both artistes to
remain in character throughout and also to the use of attractive
props and costumes. This was certainly a most appropriate item for a
Christmas programme, with its echoes of the Pinocchio and Gepetto
story and of the Nutcracker and Coppelia ballets... (The
King Pole Magazine, March 2011, UK and IRELAND)
dukke" var Benneweis' topnummer: Men så kom hele
aftenens højdepunkt, Bambolina & Dodo, manden med sin
mekaniske dukke, der dog var en kvinde af kød og blod. Et nummer i
absolut verdensklasse.
doll" was Benneweis' top act: But
then came the whole evening's climax, Bambolina & Dodo, the
man with his mechanical doll who, however, was a woman of flesh and
blood. A number of absolute world class. (Hillerød
Posten, March 2009, DENMARK)
attachant numéro de poupée acrobatique, racontant les amours
improbables d'un montreur d'automate et de son «objet ».
Totalement inscrit dans la poésie enfantine, ce récit est le
pretexte à un numéro d'automate très réussi où le talent des
artistes se nourrit merveilleusement de l'art mimique et de la
comédie. Une fable qui déclenche les rires et l'émerveillement
des petits et l'émotion des plus grands!
engaging acrobatic doll number, which describes the improbable love
story of a doll maker and its' object '. Totally inscribed in
children's poetry , this story is the pretext to a very accomplished
'automat' act, where the talent of the artists feeds wonderfully on
the art of mime and the art of comedy. A tale that provokes the
laughter and wonder of the little ones and the emotion of the
grown-ups! (Magazine
du Cirque et de l'Illusion, February 2009, FRANCE)
the whole performance fresh is the Circle of Two (Ralph Taylor
and Celia Mendizabal), whose 'clockwork' Bambolina routine is an
absolute delight. One little girl seated behind me was utterly
entranced, asking "Mummy, is she just a doll?" as Celia
just wouldn't stay upright.
been done before but Celia is immaculate in her role and really does
stay statue still at all the right times. The
Circle of Two make a second appearance later in the show, this time
going through an extremely graceful trapeze routine that sees some
very difficult holds performed with almost disdainful ease as the
couple work to the slow classical backing music. "Too good for
a circus act" was just one comment that I heard as Ralph and
Celia performed their equilibrium balance to close the act. (World's
Fair, May 2006. UK)
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